NFAs, Organic semiconducting materials, Low band-gap small molecule, Small molecular acceptor, Organic photovoltaics, Polymer solar cells, NF-PSCs.
When compared with ITIC, instead of having phenyl side-chains, ITIC-Th has hexylthienyl side chains which promotes intermolecular interaction - thus the electron mobility induced by sulfur–sulfur interaction.
ITIC-Th also shows lower energy levels (HOMO = −5.66 eV, LUMO = −3.93 eV) than ITIC due to the effect of thienyl side-chains. With even deeper energy levels,it can potentially match the energy levels of most of the high-performance narrow, medium, to wide band-gap polymer semiconductor donors.
When compared with ITIC, instead of having phenyl side-chains, ITIC-Th has hexylthienyl side chains which promotes intermolecular interaction - thus the electron mobility induced by sulfur–sulfur interaction.