The mixture 25 g theobromine, 38 ml 4 N sodium hydroxide, 60 ml isopropanol, and 17 g n-hexyl chloride were heated 24 hours to 100°C in autoclave. The solvent was removed and the residual alkaline solution was extracted with chloroform, water layer was acidified. Yield of 1-hexyl-3,7dimethylxanthine was 88%; MP: 82°-83°C. The product may be prepared from theobromine sodium. 20.2 g theobromine sodium, 20 n-hexyl bromide and 100 ml toluene were ground 10 hours at 100°C in a ball mill. After above written treatment 22.3 g (84.5%) 1-hexyltheobromine was prepared; MP: 84°C.