Synthesis of yfl-2'-methyl-adenosine (CHCl); N6-tert-butanoyl-/?-2'-methyl-2',3',5'-tribenzoyl-adenosine (400 mg, 0.590 mmol) was added to a solution of MeOH saturated with ammonia, and stirred at room temperature. After 12 hours the solvent was removed and the obtained solid was purified by column chromatography in gradient starting with a mixture of CHCl3/MeOH 9:1 then 8:2. The pure product was obtained as a white solid (120 mg, 0.427 mmol, 72%). |?H (J6-DMSO): 8.47 (IH, s, H8-adenosine), 8.15 (IH, s, H2-adenosine), 7.30 (IH, s, NH26-adenosine), 5.95 (IH, s, Hl '-adenosine), 5.25-5.21 (3H, m, OH5' -adenosine, OH3'- adenosine, OH2' -adenosine), 4.12-4.05 (IH, d, H3 '-adenosine, J= 8.6 Hz), 3.91 (IH, m, H4'-adenosine), 3.84 (IH, m, H5' -adenosine), 3.70 (IH, m, H5' -adenosine), 0.77 (3H3 s, CH32'-adenosine); |?c (4-DMSO): 156.02 (1C, C6-adenosine), 152.53 (1C, C2-adenosine), 149.01 (1C, C4-adenosine), 138.68 (1C, C8-adenosine), 118.67 (1C, C5-adenosine), 90.78 (1C, Cl '-adenosine), 82.52 (1C, C4' -adenosine), 78.46 (1C, C2'-adenosine), 71.63 (1C, C3' -adenosine), 59.47 (1C, C5 '-adenosine), 19.83 (1C, CH3-2'-adenosine). Anal. CaIc. for C11H15N5O4: C 46.97%, H 5.38%, N 24.90%. Found: C 46.67%, H 5.22%, N 24.20%.