Glufosinate-ammonium, also known as glufosinate, is a non-selective foliar application of organic phosphorus herbicide, in 1979 first developed by the Federal Republic of Germany Hoechst (Hoechst) chemical synthesis company. Weeding mechanism of Glufosinate-ammonium is absorbed by the blade, having a part suction effect, can be transferred from the base of the blade to the ends, transferred less to other parts of the plant, is harmless for not unearthed shoots and seeds. Plants Glufosinate-ammonium metabolism is disordered in a short period after drug application, a strong cytotoxic agent Glufosinate-ammonium ion is accumulated in plants; poisoned the plant to die. While also severely inhibited photosynthesis, injured plants was yellowish white after lose of the green, after 2 to 5 days, turned yellow and died. After contacted with the soil, lost activity, it should only for spray of stem and leaf at postemergence.
Applications: Glufosinate-ammonium is mainly used for destuctive weeding of orchards, vineyards, potato fields, nurseries, forests, pastures, ornamental shrubs and free arable, prevention and weeding of annual and perennial weeds such as foxtail, wild oats, crabgrass , barnyard grass, green foxtail, bluegrass, quackgrass, bermudagrass, bentgrass, reeds, fescue, etc. Also prevention and weeding of broadleaf weeds such as quinoa, amaranth, smartweed, chestnut, black nightshade, chickweed, purslane, cleavers, sonchus, thistle, field bindweed, dandelion, also have some effect on sedges and ferns. When broadleaf weeds in the beginning of growing season and grass weeds in tillering period, dosage of 0.7 to 1.2 kg/hectare was sprayed on weed populations, period of weed control is 4 to 6 weeks, administration again if necessary, can significantly extend the validity period. Potato field should be used in the pre-emergence, it can also be sprayed before harvest, killing and weeding ground stubble, so as to harvest. Prevention and weeding of ferns, dosage of per hectare is 1.5 to 2 kg. Usually alone, sometimes it can also be mixed with simajine, diuron or methylchloro phenoxyacetic acid, and so on.

Figure 1 The chemical structural formula of Glufosinate-ammonium.
The above information is edited by the chemicalbook of Liu Yujie.