5-Methoxytryptamine (358) was synthesized from 3-(2-iodoethyl)-5-methoxyindole (176) by reaction with 1-methyl-benzylamine (MeCN, 24 h, RT) and subsequent catalytic debenzylation of 44 (H2, Pd/C, EtOH, 24 h, RT, 4 bar). The resulting 5-methoxytryptamine (358 was then reacted with 4-bromobenzoylchloride (THF, NEt3, RT, ON) and the resulting tryptamide 359 was reduced with aluminum hydride to N-(4-bromobenzyl)-5-methoxytryptamine (19) (LiAlH4, AlCl3, Et2O, 5 h, RT), which was isolated as its hydrogen oxalate salt.