AmberSep(R) OPTIPORE L-493 Polymeric Adsorbent may be used in the:
- Solid phase extraction of copper, lead, and iron from water and food samples
- Kinetics study to examine the adsorption of acrylonitrile using zero-length columns
- Extraction of desired complex in the evaluation of common laboratory methods for measuring cadmium content using ELECTRE technique
- Comparative study to examine the adsorption behaviors of common polymeric adsorbents in the separation of phenol and BPA
- Study to compare the adsorptive ability of resins in recovering alcohols
- Determination of chromium in contaminated water samples from industries using FI-FAAS
- Separation of acetic acid from volatile fatty acids (VFAs) mixture
', 'Polyaromatic adsorbent for the concentration of organics from water; considered a better option than carbon.
- Hydrophobic adsorbent with non-catalytic activity
- High capacity for organic compounds
- Macroporous beads with good mechanical strength