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Sibutramine hydrochloride is a weight loss drug and is the hydrochloride salt form of sibutramine with the pharmacological effects being fully consistent with that of sibutramine. However, it has a better stability and solubility than sibutramine. <br/> Acid sibutramine was first used for treating depression. During its clinical application, people found that its weight-loss effect was significantly stronger than the effect of its antidepressant effect. On the one hand, through inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, it can reduce hunger feeling of the body and suppress appetite for effectively controlling the caloric intake; on the other hand, through activating the adrenergic receptors, it increases the adipose tissue consumption, increases the metabolism and promotes the energy consumption with obviously weight-loss promoting effect. However, at the same time, it may cause high blood pressure, increased heart rate, anorexia, insomnia, abnormal liver function and other kinds of severe side effects. <br/> The above information is edited by the Chemicalbook of Dai Xiongfeng.

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