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Ammonium nitrate

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Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3, also known as “Norway saltpeter”) is mainly used as a fertilizer. It is also known as the chemical that was mixed with diesel fuel to create the explosion that demolished the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995. It provides a source of nitrogen to plants to increase growth and crop yields. Ammonium nitrate is a popular fertilizer since it provides half of the N in nitrate form and half in ammonium form. The nitrate form moves readily with soil water to the roots where it is immediately available for plant uptake. Ammonium nitrate is more popular than other nitrogen fertilizers for pasture and hay fertilization since it is less susceptible to volatilization or air losses when left on the soil. It is also valued by vegetable growers for its ability to provide an immediately available nitrate source of plant food.

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