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(Sudafed, Afrinol, Drixoral) isthe (S,S) diastereoisomer of ephedrine. Whereas ephedrinehas a mixed mechanism of action, L-(+)-pseudoephedrineacts mostly by an indirect mechanism and has virtually nodirect activity. The structural basis for this difference inmechanism is the stereochemistry of the carbon atom possessingthe β-OH group. In pseudoephedrine, this carbon atompossesses the (S) configuration, the wrong stereochemistryat this center for a direct-acting effect at adrenoceptors.Although it crosses the BBB (log P=1.05, pKa=9.38),L-(+)-pseudoephedrine’s lack of direct activity affords fewerCNS effects than does ephedrine. It is a naturally occurringalkaloid from the Ephedra species. This agent is found inmany OTC nasal decongestant and cold medications.Although it is less prone to increase blood pressure thanephedrine, it should be used with caution in hypertensiveindividuals, and it should not be used in combination withMAO inhibitors.

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