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148-82-3 Basic informationMore
Melphalan is available in 2-mg tablets and 50-mg vials fororal and IV administration, respectively in the treatment ofmultiple myeloma, breast and ovarian cancer, and in highdosetherapy when bone marrow transplant is being utilized.The mechanisms of resistance are the same as those seen formechlorethamine. The agent is poorly absorbed when givenby the oral route. Melphalan is highly plasma protein bound(80%–90%) and inactivated in the blood by water to givethe hydroxy metabolites. Elimination occurs primarily in thefeces with an elimination half-life of 38 to 108 minutes. Thecommonly seen adverse effects are myelosuppression, nausea,and vomiting. Nausea is normally mild with normal doses butbecomes severe when high doses are used during bone marrowtransplant. Less commonly seen adverse effects are hypersensitivityreactions, skin rash, and alopecia. Secondarycancers are also of concern with the use of the agent.

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