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Phencyclidine was introduced as a dissociative anestheticfor animals. Its close structural relative ketamine is still soused and may be used in humans. In humans,PCP produces a sense of intoxication, hallucinogenic experiencesnot unlike those produced by the anticholinergic hallucinogens,and often, amnesia.<br/>The drug affects many systems, including those of NE,DA, and 5-HT. It has been proposed that PCP (and certainother psychotomimetics) produces a unique pattern of activationof ventral tegumental area dopaminergic neurons.Itblocks glutaminergic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors.Thisaction is the basis for many of its CNS effects. PCP itself appearsto be the active agent. The psychotic state produced bythis drug is also cited as a better model than amphetaminepsychosis for the psychotic state of schizophrenia.

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