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Mercury chloride

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7487-94-7 Basic informationMore
Material may explode on heating, with friction, or contact with alkali metals, sulfides, acetylene, ammonia, and oxalic acid. Upon decomposition highly toxic chloride and mercury fumes are emitted. Avoid formates, sulfites, hypophosphites, phosphates, sulfides, albumin, gelatin, alkalies, alkaloid salts, ammonia, lime water, antimony, arsenic, bromides, borax, carbonates, reduced iron, copper, iron, lead, silver salts, infusions of cinchona, columbo, oak bark or senna, and tannic acid. Mercury chloride may explode with friction or application of heat. Mixtures of Mercury chloride and sodium or potassium are shock sensitive and will explode on impact. Avoid contact with acids or acid fumes.

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