This alkaloid occurs in Duboisia rnyoporoides and has been isolated as the hydro_x0002_bromide, m.p. 201-2°C. In the plant it is present as the (+ )-form but so far only
the synthetic optically inactive form of the free base has been described. The
picrate forms yellow crystals with m.p. 188°C; the oxalate as pearly laminae
from EtOH-Et 20, m.p. 295°C. In the literature, the alkaloid has been described
as Base Z which, from its hydrolysis products was shown to be a mixture of
Poroidine (q.v.) and this alkaloid although separation of the two isomers has not
been achieved, only the synthetic bases having been prepared. The structure of
the (±)-form has been established as (+)-a:-methylbutyryl-nortropine.
Barger, Martin, Mitchell., J. Chern. Soc., 1685 (1938)