NucleoSpin Multi-8 Extract (12 x 8 preps) 12 x 8 preps for the purification of PCR products Buffer NT2, NT3, NTW, NE NucleoSpin Extract Strips, MN Wash Plate, MN tube strips, cap strips, Protocol
化学名:NucleoSpin Multi-8 Extract (12 x 8 preps) 12 x 8 preps for the purification of PCR products Buffer NT2, NT3, NTW, NE NucleoSpin Extract Strips, MN Wash Plate, MN tube strips, cap strips, Protocol
英語名:NucleoSpin Multi-8 Extract (12 x 8 preps) 12 x 8 preps for the purification of PCR products Buffer NT2, NT3, NTW, NE NucleoSpin Extract Strips, MN Wash Plate, MN tube strips, cap strips, Protocol
MOL FileMol file