本品は、元素 Sn である。
α(アルファ)-スズ、β(ベータ)-スズの2変態があり、低温で安定なのはα型で、18℃以上でβ型が安定になる。普通白色で、金属光沢があるのがβ-スズで、白色スズともよばれる。これを零下30℃以下に長時間保つとα-スズ(灰色スズという)になる。このとき金属状スズは表面に突起を生じ、ついには粉状に壊れてしまう。この現象は19世紀にロシアの博物館のスズ製品でみつけられ、スズペストとよばれた。通常は銀白色の金属で展性、延性に富み、箔(はく)や線に加工することができる。金属スズを曲げるときパチパチと音を発するが、これはティンクライTin Cry(錫鳴り)といわれている。
Sn.原子番号50の元素.電子配置[Kr]4d105s25p2の周期表14族金属元素.原子量118.710(7).天然には質量数112~124の10種の安定同位体があり,おもなものは116(14.54(9)%),118(24.22(9)%),120(32.58(9)%).ほかに99~137の放射性同位体がある.安定同位体数のもっとも多い元素である.スズとその合金は先史時代から用いられていた金属で,元素記号Snはラテン語名stannumに由来する.本来銀と鉛の合金を意味していたが,のちにスズをさすようになった.天然にはおもにスズ石SnO2,黄錫鉱Cu2FeSnS4として産出する.地殻中の存在度2.5 ppm.可採埋蔵量6100百万t(Sn含有量)の順位は,中国28%,マレーシア16%,インドネシア13%,ペルー12%,以下ブラジル,ボリビアである.スズ石をばい焼して,As,Sなどの不純物を除き,コークス,石灰石を加えて,高炉または反射炉で加熱還元し粗スズとする.粗スズをさらに反射炉による溶錬または電解精錬によって精製する.αスズ(灰色スズ,低温相,立方晶系)とβスズ(白色スズ,高温相,正方晶系)の2変態があり,転移温度は13.2 ℃.融解物からはβスズが結晶する.白色金属光沢のある展延性に富む金属で,密度5.75 g cm-3(20 ℃,α),7.31 g cm-3(20 ℃,β).融点231.97 ℃,沸点2270 ℃.融解熱7.194 kJ mol-1,蒸発熱290.4 kJ mol-1.第一イオン化エネルギー7.344 eV.スズの酸化数は2,4で,SnⅡは不安定で強い還元性を示す.標準電極電位(Sn2+/Sn)-0.1375 V,(Sn4+/Sn2+)+0.15 V.濃塩酸には水素を発生しながら溶けてSnⅡ Cl2に,濃硝酸では不溶性のSnO2・nH2Oになる.強アルカリと煮沸するとスズ酸塩MⅠ2[SnⅣ (OH)6]をつくって溶ける.スズは常温の空気中で安定であるが,加熱するとSnⅣ O2を生じる.フッ素以外のハロゲンXとはげしく反応して,SnⅣ X4を生じる.室温ではフッ素に対して安定であるが,高温ではSnF2,SnF4をつくる.[SnIⅡCl3]-,[SnIⅡCl4]2-,[SnIⅡBr3]- のようなハロゲノ錯イオンや,[Sn(C2O4)2]2-,[SnⅣ(OH)6]2- なども知られている.スズは水素よりイオン化傾向が大きく,Ag,Hg,Bi,Cu,Pt,Auなどのイオンを金属まで還元することができる.また,多くの有機スズ化合物が知られている.用途は,スズめっき([別用語参照]ブリキ),缶用スズめっき鋼板,スズはくの製造のほか,多くの金属と合金をつくりやすいことから青銅,はんだ,軸受合金,活字合金などの原料として広く使われている.酸化スズインジウム(ITO)はフラットパネルディスプレイ用透明電極として需要が増加している.リン青銅(Cu-Sn-P)は電子部品リードフレームに使われる.有機スズ化合物はプラスチック安定剤,防かび剤などに使用される.わが国の最大の用途は,スズを主成分とするはんだ用で約30%,ついで有機スズ化合物など化成品15% 強,スズめっき缶・鋼板用約15% 弱,電子部品用10% 弱で,透明電極用の使用量は1~2% とされる.消費量約35000 t のほぼ全量をインドネシア,中国,マレーシアからの輸入と鉱さい,煙灰などからのリサイクル(~750 t)でまかなった(2005年) 森北出版「化学辞典(第2版)
還元剤。有機合成(和光試薬時報Vol.64 No.2,p.26(1996))。
Tin has a long, colorful history. The extraction and use of tin
began during the Bronze Age around 3000 BC when early
craftsmen discovered that bronze – a noncorrosive metal that is
extremely hard and strong enough to be used for spears,
swords, arrows, and other especially important objects at that
time – could be produced by smelting tin with copper. Tin is
also the primary constituent of pewter. Long ago, people
developed the belief that trace amounts of tin seemed to help
prevent fatigue and depression, and that drinking out of tin
cups could help combat these ailments. Tin toys, tin coated
cans, and tin roofs have also enjoyed great popularity in
the past.
Tin is a gray to almost silver-white, ductile, malleable, lustrous metal.
Tin is a soft, silvery-white metal located in the carbon group, similar in appearance to freshcutaluminum. When polished, it takes on a bluish tint caused by a thin protective coatingof oxidized tin. This property makes it useful as a coating for other metals. It is malleable andductile, meaning it can be pounded, rolled, and formed into many shapes, as well as “pulled”into wires through a die.
There are two allotropes of tin. One is known as gray or alpha (α) tin, which is not verystable. The other is known as white tin or beta (β), which is the most common allotrope. Thetwo forms (allotropes) of tin are dependent on temperature and crystalline structure. Whitetin is stable at about 13.2°C. Below this temperature, it turns into the unstable gray alphaform. There is also a lesser-known third allotrope of tin called “brittle tin,” which exists above161°C. Its name is derived from its main property.
Tin’s melting point is 231.93°C, its boiling point is 2,602°C, and the density is 5.75 g/cm3for the gray allotrope (alpha) and 7.287 g/cm3 for the white allotrope (beta).
There are 49 isotopes of tin, 10 of which are stable and range from Sn-112to Sn-124. Taken together, all 10 stable isotopes make up the natural abundance of tinfound on Earth. The remaining 39 isotopes are radioactive and are produced artificially innuclear reactors. Their half-lives range from 190 milliseconds to 1×10+5 years.
The name “tin” is thought to be related to the pre-Roman Etruscan god
Tinia, and the chemical symbol (Sn) comes from stannum, the Latin word for tin.
Tin is the 49th most abundant element found in the Earth’s crust. Although tin is nota rare element, it accounts for about 0.001% of the Earth’s crust. It is found in deposits inMalaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Bolivia, Congo, Nigeria, and China. Today, most tin is minedas the mineral ore cassiterite (SnO2), also known as tinstone, in Malaysia. Cassiterite is tin’smain ore. There are no significant deposits found in the United States, but small deposits arefound on the southeast coast of England. To extract tin from cassiterite, the ore is “roasted” ina furnace in the presence of carbon, thereby reducing the metal from the slag.
Although tin is located in group 14 as a metalloid, it retains one of the main characteristicsof metals: in reacting with other elements, it gives up electrons, forming positive ions just asdo all metals.
Tin has a relatively low melting point (about 231°C or 4,715°F), and it reacts with someacids and strong alkalis, but not with hot water. Its resistance to corrosion is the main characteristicthat makes it a useful metal.
There is an interesting historical event related to the two main allotropes of tin. At temperaturesbelow 13 degrees centigrade, “white” tin is slowly transformed into “gray” tin, whichis unstable at low temperatures, and during the brutally cold winter of 1850 in Russia, thetin buttons sewn on soldiers’ uniforms crumbled as the tin changed forms. In the 1800s, tinwas also widely used for pots, pans, drinking cups, and dinner flatware. However, at very lowtemperatures, these implements also disintegrated as their chemical structure was altered.
Chiefly for tin-plating and manufacture of food, beverage and aerosol containers, soldering alloys, babbitt and type metals, manufacture of tin salts, collapsible tubes, coating for copper wire. Principle component in pewter. Alloys as dental materials (silver-tin-mercury), nuclear reactor components (tin-zirconium), aircraft components (tin-titanium), bronze (copper-tin), brass.
Metallic element of atomic
number 50, group IVA of the periodic system, aw
118.69, valences of 2, 4; 10 isotopes.
Tin is relatively rare, composing only about 0.0006% in the
earth’s crust. The major tin ore is cassiterite, a naturally
occurring tin (IV) oxide (SnO2). The other major tin-containing
minerals are stannate, teallite, cylindrite, and canfieldite
that are sulfides of tin.
White TIN is an almost silver-white, ductile, malleable, lustrous solid. Mp 232°C; bp: 2507°C. Density: 7.3 g cm-3. Pure white TIN becomes non-metallic powdery gray TIN if held for a sustained period at temperatures less than 13°C.
TIN is a reducing agent. Stable in massive form in air, but oxidizes (corrodes) in air as a powder, especially in the presence of water. Dissolve slowly in dilute strong acids in the cold. Dissolves in hot aqueous KOH and other strongly basic solutions. Incompatible with acids and base. Incompatible with chlorine and turpenTINe.
Tin, as the elemental metal, is nontoxic. Most, but not all of tin’s inorganic salts and compoundsare also nontoxic.
In contrast, almost all organic tin compounds (tin compounds composed of carbon andhydrocarbons) are very toxic and should be avoided. If they are used, special equipment andcare must be taken in handling.
(Note: When chemical formulas use the letter “R” preceding an element’s symbol, it designatessome form of organic compound—for example, R4Sn. If the letter “X” follows theelement’s symbol in a formula, it designates some form of inorganic compound—for example,SnX2. Thus, a whole series of tin compounds could be designated as R4Sn2, R2Sn, or SnX4,SnX2, and so forth.)
Inorganic tin salts are irritants
of the eyes and skin.
No systemic effects have been reported
from industrial exposure. Some inorganic tin
compounds can cause skin or eye irritation
because of acid or alkaline reaction produced
with water. Tin tetrachloride, stannous chloride,
and stannous sulfate are strong acids;
sodium and potassium stannate are strong alkalies.
Hot-dip coatings can be applied to fabricatedparts made of mild and alloy steels, cast iron,and copper and copper alloys to improveappearance and corrosion resistance. Like zinc,the coatings consist of two layers — a relativelypure outer layer and an intermediate alloy layer.
An invisible surface film of stannic oxideis formed during exposure, which helps toretard, but does not completely prevent, corrosion.The coatings have good resistance to tarnishingand staining indoors, and in most rural,marine, and industrial atmospheres. They alsoresist foods. Corrosion resistance in all casescan be markedly improved by increasing thicknessand controlling porosity. Typical applicationswhere they can be used are milk cans,condenser and transformer cans, food and beveragecontainers, and various items of sanitaryequipment such as cast iron mincing machinesand grinders.
An inhalation hazard.
Questionable carcinogen with experimental
tumorigenic data by implant route.
Combustible in the form of dust when
exposed to heat or by spontaneous chemical
reaction with Br2, BrF3, Cl2, ClF3, Cu(NO3),
The most important use of tin is as a protective coating for other metals, such as in the food and beverage canning industry; in roofing tiles; silverware, coated wire; household utensils; electronic components; and pistons. Common tin alloys are phosphor bronze; light brass; gun metal; high tensile brass; manganese bronze; die-casting alloys; bearing metals; type metal; and pewter. These are used as soft solders, fillers in automobile bodies; and as coatings for hydraulic brake parts; aircraft landing gear and engine parts. Metallic tin is used in the manufacture of collapsible tubes and foil for packaging. Exposures to tin may occur in mining, smelting, and refining; and in the production and use of tin alloys and solders. Inorganic tin compounds are important industrially in the production of ceramics; porcelain, enamel, glass; and inks; in the production of fungicides; anthelmintics, insecticides; as a stabilizer it is used in polyvinyl plastics and chlorinated rubber paints; and it is used in plating baths.
また、錫は鉄よりイオン化傾向が小さく溶出しにくいため、鋼板に錫をめっきしたブリキとして食缶や飲料缶 などの容器、瓶のスクリューキャップ、王冠等に利用されている。その他、錫は電子部品用めっきや塩ビ安定 剤等の化成品、ITO(Indium Tin Oxide:酸化インジウムに酸化錫を添加した化合物)として知られるディスプレ イ用の透明電極にも使用されている。
さらに、銅に錫と少量のリンを加えた合金であるリン青銅は、機械的な強さを持ち、ばね性、耐久性が良い ことから、IC用リードフレームや通信機・計器等に使用されるばねに用いられている他、歯車や軸受けにも使 用される。
錫の鋳造品は食器や花器としても利用される。また、溶融した錫の上に溶融したガラスを浮かべて製板す るフロートガラス製法にも錫は利用されている。
Limited animal testing with stannous chloride
has not revealed evidence of carcinogenic
potential. Mixed results have been observed in
genotoxic assays.
UN3089 Metal powders, flammable, n.o.s., Hazard Class: 4.1; Labels: 4.1-Flammable solid.
Tin powder is purified by adding it to about twice its weight of 10% aqueousNaOH and shaking vigorously for 10minutes. (This removes oxide film and stearic acid or similar material that is sometimes added for pulverisation.) It is then filtered, washed with water until the washings are no longer alkaline to litmus, rinsed with MeOH and dried in air. [Sisido et al. J Am Chem Soc 83 538 1961.]
TIN is a reducing agent. Stable in bulk form in air, but as powder it corrodes (oxidizes) in air, especially in the presence of moisture. Keep away from strong oxidizers (chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may cause fires or explosions. Incompatible with acids, alkalies, bases, chlorine, turpentine; reacts violently with acetic aldehyde, ammonium nitrate, ammonium perchlorate, hexachloroethane. Strong reducing agents may react violently with halogens, bromine fluoride, chlorine trifluoride, copper nitrate, disulfur dichloride, nitrosyl fluoride, potassium dioxide, sodium peroxide, sulfur, and other chemicals. May form explosive compounds with hexachloroethane, pentachloroethane, picric acid, potassium iodate, potassium peroxide, 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene-1,3,5-triol.