Chemical Properties
White to yellow crystalline powder
Sulfadiazine may be used as an internal standard for the determination of sulfapyridine in biological samples using high-performance liquid chromatography technique.
Sulfadiazine Sodium Salt can be used as reactant/reagent in preparation and crystal structure of aminophenyl sulfonamide tetrahalides, hydrochloride and hydrobromide cocrystals with iodine.
General Description
Soluble sulfadiazine is an anhydrous, white, colorless, crystallinepowder soluble in water (1:2) and slightly soluble inalcohol. Its water solutions are alkaline (pH 9–10) and absorbcarbon dioxide from the air, with precipitation of sulfadiazine.It is administered as a 5% solution in sterile waterintravenously for patients requiring an immediately highblood level of the sulfonamide.