wesentliche Informationen chemische Eigenschaften Zweck Lieferant

4,5-Disulfo RhodaMine-123 Carboxylic Acid SucciniMidyl Ester LithiuM Salt Struktur

4,5-Disulfo RhodaMine-123 Carboxylic Acid SucciniMidyl Ester LithiuM Salt

Bezeichnung:4,5-Disulfo RhodaMine-123 Carboxylic Acid SucciniMidyl Ester LithiuM Salt


Englisch Name:4,5-Disulfo RhodaMine-123 Carboxylic Acid SucciniMidyl Ester LithiuM Salt





4,5-Disulfo RhodaMine-123 Carboxylic Acid SucciniMidyl Ester LithiuM Salt physikalisch-chemischer Eigenschaften

Löslichkeit Soluble in water, dimethyl sulfoxide
Farbe Orange solid
maximale Wellenlänge (λmax) 494nm (Buffer pH 7)
Major Application Photoresists; silica particles/ beads
Biologische Anwendungen Analyzing/profiling amyloidβ peptides; assessing/evaluating proteinlipid interactions; characterizing submicron protein aggregates/conjugates; detecting/quantifying proteins; detecting chromosomal aberration, labeling/detecting nucleic acids; measuring protein dynamics; patterning wide range of proteins; tracing adenosine AA receptors in vitro; visualizing vasculature/blood flow in living mouse and chick embryos polymersomes in biomedical or cosmetic applications

4,5-Disulfo RhodaMine-123 Carboxylic Acid SucciniMidyl Ester LithiuM Salt Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden

4,5-Disulfo RhodaMine-123 Carboxylic Acid SucciniMidyl Ester LithiuM Salt Anbieter Lieferant Produzent Hersteller Vertrieb Händler.