A complex alkaloid occurring in Alangium lamarckii Thw., the base yields
colourless crystals from EtOH and is laevorotatory with [α]25D - 84° (c 1.0,
pyridine). The ultraviolet spectrum has been fully determined. In MeOH it shows
a single broad absorption maximum at 279 mJl. In 0.1 N/HC1 there is a very
small hypsochromic shift to 277 mJl while in 0.1 N/NaOH, there are two absorp_x0002_tion maxima at 279 and 319 mμ. Two methoxyl groups, two imino groups and
one hydroxyl group are present. The latter furnishes the O-methy1 ether, m.p.
163°C;[α]20D - 18.8° (MeOH). The above structure has been confirmed by