Essential oil composition
The main constituents of clover are coumarin, genistein, pectolinarin and bichanin A. The herb red clover
(Trifolium pratense) contains isoflavones, genistein and daidzein. Analysis of the flavonoids and their glycoside malonates of the
flowers extract of red clover (T. pratense) resulted in approximately 20 flavonoid glycoside malonates in the flower extract. Eight were
identified as genistin 6?-O-malonate, formononetin 7-O-beta-D-glucoside 6?-O-malonate, biochanin A 7-O-beta-D-glucoside 6?-Omalonate,
trifoside 6?-O-malonate, irilone 4?-O-beta-D-glucoside 6?-O-malonate, pratensein 7-O-beta-D-glucoside 6?-O-malonate,
isoquercitrin 6?-O-malonate, and 3-methylquercetin 7-O-beta-D-glucoside 6?-O-malonate. About 15 other flavonoids and clovamides
were proved to be present in this extract.*