Uses |
chamomile oil is considered a capillary wall constrictor, an antiallergenic agent, and antiseptic, cooling, analgesic, emollient, and healing. It is considered useful for treating burns and skin inflammations as well as dermatitis, and beneficial for acne, dry, or supersensitive skins. The active principles are a pale blue volatile oil (which can turn yellow with time), a little anthemic acid, tannic acid, and a glucoside. The volatile oil, obtained through distillation, is lost in the preparation of the extract. The whole plant is odoriferous and of value, but the flower heads are primarily credited with therapeutic benefits. Because the chief botanical virtue of the plant lies in the central disk of the yellow florets and in the cultivated double form of the white florets, the botanical properties of the single, wild chamomile are considered to be the most powerful.