Chemical Properties
Pure carbon disulfi de is a colorless liquid with a pleasant odor similar to that of chloroform,
while impure carbon disulfi de is a yellowish liquid with an unpleasant odor, like that of
rotting radishes. Exposure to carbon disulfi de occurs in industrial workplaces. Industries
associated with coal gasifi cation plants release more carbon disulfi de, carbonyl sulfi de,
and hydrogen sulfi de. Carbon disulfi de is used in large quantities as an industrial chemical for the production of viscose rayon fi bers. In fact, the major source of environmental
pollution by carbon disulfi de both indoors and outdoors is caused by emissions released
into the air from viscose plants
General Description
A clear colorless to light yellow volatile liquid with a strong disagreeable odor. Boiling point 46° C. Flash point-22°F. Flammable over a wide vapor/air concentration range(1%-50%). Vapors are readily ignited; the heat of a common light bulb may suffice. Insoluble in water and more dense (10.5 lb/gal) than water. Hence sinks in water. Vapors are heavier than air. Used in the manufacture of rayon and cellophane, in the manufacture of flotation agents and as a solvent.
Reactivity Profile
CARBON BISULFIDE(75-15-0) has an extremely low autoignition temperature (125°C). May ignite or even explode when heated. The vapor or liquid has been known to ignite on contact with steam pipes, particularly if rusted [Anon., J. Roy. Inst. Chem., 1956, 80, p.664]. Explosion hazard when exposed to flame, heat, sparks or friction. Mixtures with lithium, sodium, potassium or dinitrogen tetraoxide may detonate when shocked. Potentially explosive reaction with nitrogen oxide, chlorine, permanganic acid(strong oxidizing agents). Vapor ignites in contact with aluminum powder or fluorine. Reacts violently with azides, ethylamine ethylenediamine, ethylene imine. Emits highly toxic fumes of oxides of sulfur when heated to decomposition [Bretherick, 5th ed., 1995, p. 663]. Sodium amide forms toxic and flammable H2S gas with CS2. (714)
Air & Water Reactions
Highly flammable. Insoluble in water.
A poison. Toxic by skin absorption. Highly
flammable, dangerous fire and explosion risk, can
be ignited by friction. Explosive limits in air
1–50%. Questionable carcinogen. Peripheral ner-
vous system impairment.
Health Hazard
Laboratory animals exposed to carbon disulfi de experienced deleterious health effects, i.e.,
developmental effects, skeletal and visceral malformations, embryotoxicity, and functional
and behavioral disturbances. Studies have also shown that animals exposed to carbon
disulfi de indicate destruction of the myelin sheath and axonal changes in both central and
peripheral neurons along with changes in the cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus, brain stern,
and spinal cord. Neuropathy and myelopathy were extensively studied in rats and rabbits. In the muscle fi bers, atrophy of the denervation type occurred secondary to polyneuropathy. Studies have also shown that carbon disulfi de causes vascular changes in various
organs of animals as well as myocardial lesions. Occupational workers exposed to carbon
disulfi de showed symptoms of irritability, anger, mood changes, manic delirium and hallucinations, paranoic ideas, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal disturbances, and reproductive
disorders. The slowing down of nerve conduction velocity in the sciatic nerves preceded
clinical symptoms. Studies have indicated that carbon disulfi de can affect the normal functions of the brain, liver, and heart. Occupational workers exposed to high concentrations
of carbon disulfi de have suffered with skin burns when the chemical accidentally touched
people’s skin
Health Hazard
The material affects the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, eyes, kidneys, liver, and skin. It may be absorbed through the skin as a vapor or liquid, inhaled or ingested. The probable oral lethal dose for a human is between 0.5 and 5 g/kg or between 1 ounce and 1 pint (or 1 pound) for a 70 kg (150 lb.) person. In chronic exposures, the central nervous system is damaged and results in the disturbance of vision and sensory changes as the most common early symptoms. Lowest lethal dose for humans has been reported at 14 mg/kg or 0.98 grams for a 70 kg person. Alcoholics and those suffering from neuropsychic trouble are at special risk.
Potential Exposure
Carbon disulfide is used in the manufacture of viscose rayon; ammonium salts; carbon tetrachloride; carbanilide, xantho genates; flotation agents; soil
disinfectants; dyes; electronic vacuum tubes; optical glass;
paints, enamels, paint removers; varnishes; varnish removers; tallow, textiles, explosives; rocket fuel; putty; preservatives, and rubber cement; as a solvent for phosphorus,
sulfur, selenium, bromine, iodine; alkali cellulose; fats,
waxes, lacquers, camphor, resins, and cold vulcanized rubber. It is also used in degreasing; chemical analysis; electroplating; grain fumigation; oil extraction; and drycleaning. It is widely used as a pesticide intermediate.
Fire Hazard
Ignition temperature dangerously low: 212F. Vapors may be ignited by contact with ordinary light bulb, when heated to decomposition, CARBON BISULFIDE emits highly toxic fumes of oxides of sulfur. When heated to decomposition, emits highly toxic fumes of sulfur oxides and can react vigorously with oxidizing materials. Avoid air, rust, halogens, metal azides, metals, oxidants; when exposed to heat or flame reacts violently with aluminum, chlorine, azides, hypochlorite, ethylamine diamine, ethylene imine, fluorine, metallic azides of lithium, potassium, cesium, rubidium and sodium, nitrogen oxides, potassium, zinc and (sulfuric acid plus permanganate). Decomposes on standing for a long time.
First aid
If this chemical gets into the eyes, remove any
contact lenses at once and irrigate immediately for at least
15 minutes, occasionally lifting upper and lower lids. Seek
medical attention immediately. If this chemical contacts the
skin, remove contaminated clothing and wash immediately
with soap and water. Seek medical attention immediately.
If this chemical has been inhaled, remove from exposure,
begin rescue breathing (using universal precautions,
including resuscitation mask) if breathing has stopped and
CPR if heart action has stopped. Transfer promptly to a
medical facility. When this chemical has been swallowed,
get medical attention. Give large quantities of water and
induce vomiting. Do not make an unconscious person
UN1131 Carbon disulfide, Hazard Class: 3;
Labels: 3-Flammable liquid, 6.1-Poisonous materials.
Incompatible with oxidizers (chlorates,
nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates, chlorine,
bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may cause fires or explosions. Keep away from alkaline materials, strong bases,
strong acids, oxoacids, epoxides. Also incompatible with
chemically active metals (such as sodium, potassium, zinc),
azides, organic amines, halogens. May explosively decompose on shock, friction, or concussion. May explode on
heating. The substance may spontaneously ignite on contact
with air and on contact with hot surfaces, producing toxic
fumes of sulfur dioxide. Reacts violently with oxidants to
produce oxides of sulfur and carbon monoxide, and causing
fire and explosion hazard. Attacks some forms of plastic,
rubber, and coating.
For many years, carbon disulfide was manufactured by the
reaction of charcoal with sulfur vapor at temperatures of 750–
1000 C, but by the mid-twentieth century, especially in the
United States, the process was superseded by the reaction of
natural gas (principally methane) with sulfur.
Waste Disposal
This compound is a very flammable liquid which evaporates rapidly. It burns with a Blue
flame to carbon dioxide (harmless) and sulfur dioxide.
Sulfur dioxide has a strong suffocating odor; 1000 ppm in
air is lethal to rats. The pure liquid presents an acute fire and
explosion hazard. The following disposal procedure is suggested: All equipment or contact surfaces should be
grounded to avoid ignition by static charges. Absorb on vermiculite, sand, or ashes and cover with water. Transfer
underwater in buckets to an open area. Ignite from a distance
with an excelsior trail. If quantity is large, Carbon disulfide
may be recovered by distillation and repackaged for use.
Physical properties
Clear, colorless to pale yellow liquid; ethereal odor when pure. Technical grades have strong, foul,
rotten, radish-like odor. Leonardos et al. (1969) reported an odor threshold in air of 210 ppbv.
Carbon disulfide is used as a raw material in the production of such things as rayon, cellophane, semiconductors, and carbon tetrachloride, and to make some pesticides. It is used as an industrial solvent and chemical intermediate to dissolve rubber to produce tires (ATSDR, 1996), as well as in grain fumigation, analytical chemistry research, degreasing, dry cleaning, and oil extraction (Finkel et al., 1983). Natural sources of carbon disulfide include the open ocean, coastal areas of high biological activity, microbial reduction of sulfates in soil, marshlands, and some higher plants where the source of carbon disulfide is the tree roots (Carroll, 1985; Khalil and Rasmussen, 1984).
Previously, carbon disulfide was used as a pesticide, where it was typically mixed with carbon tetrachloride in a 20/80 mixture, respectively. This mixture was used to exterminate insects and rodents from entire boxcars of wheat, corn, rye, and other grains (Peters et al., 1988). Grain fumigators can be acutely intoxicated and may be chronically exposed to carbon disulfide. Therefore, in the late 1980s, all pesticides containing carbon disulfide as an active ingredient were cancelled by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) (U.S. EPA, 1999).
Carbon disulfide is used in the manufacture of regenerated cellulose rayon, cellophane, soil disinfectants, and electronicvacuum tubes. Other major uses are in theproduction of carbon tetrachloride, xanthates,thiocyanates, plywood adhesives, and rubberaccessories. It is also used as a solvent and asan eluant for organics adsorbed on charcoalin air analysis.
In the manufacture of rayon, carbon tetrachloride, xanthogenates, soil disinfectants, electronic vacuum tubes. Solvent for phosphorus, sulfur, selenium, bromine, iodine, fats, resins, rubbers.
ChEBI: Carbon disulfide is an organosulfur compound and a one-carbon compound.
Carbon disulfide is manufactured by heating sulfur vapor with charcoal, and condensing vapors of the compound formed. Alternatively, it may be obtained by heating sulfur with natural gas or petroleum fractions. Instead of sulfur, H2S may be used. The reaction occurs at very high temperatures. The product obtained in these reactions may contain sulfur impurities. Carbon disulfide is purified by distillation.
Flammability and Explosibility
Carbon disulfide is extremely flammable and is a dangerous fire hazard (NFPA
rating = 3). It is has a high vapor pressure and extremely low autoignition
temperature. Its vapor is heavier than air and can travel a considerable distance to a
source of ignition and flash back. The vapor forms explosive mixtures in air at
concentrations of 1.3 to 50%. Carbon disulfide can be ignited by hot surfaces such as
steam baths that would ordinarily not constitute an ignition source for other
flammable vapors. Rust (iron oxide) may increase the likelihood of ignition by hot
surfaces. Carbon disulfide fires should be extinguished with CO2 or dry chemical
Identified among 139 volatile compounds identified in cantaloupe (Cucumis melo var.reticulates cv. Sol Real) using an automated rapid headspace solid phase microextraction method
(Beaulieu and Grimm, 2001).
Environmental Fate
Chemical/Physical. Carbon disulfide hydrolyzes in alkaline solutions to carbon dioxide
and hydrogen disulfide (Peyton et al., 1976).
In an aqueous alkaline solution containing
hydrogen peroxide, dithiopercarbonate, sulfide, elemental sulfur and polysulfides may be
expected to form (Elliott, 1990). In an aqueous alkaline solution (pH ≥8), carbon disulfide
reacted with hydrogen peroxide forming sulfate and carbonate ions. However, when the
pH is lowered to 7–7.4, colloidal sulfur is formed (Adewuyi and Carmichael, 1987).
aqueous solution containing carbon disulfide reacts with sodium hypochlorite forming
carbon dioxide, sulfuric acid and sodium chloride (Patnaik, 1992). Forms a hemihydrate
which decomposes at –3°C (Keith and Walters, 1992).Agricultural fumigant
Burns with a blue flame releasing carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide (Windholz et al.,
1983). Emits very toxic sulfur oxides when heated to decomposition (Lewis, 1990).
Carbon disulfide oxidizes in the troposphere producing carbonyl sulfide. The atmospheric half-lives for carbon disulfide and carbonyl sulfide were estimated to be approximately 2 years and 13 days, respectively (Khalil and Rasmussen, 1984).
disulfide should be used only in areas free of ignition sources (including hot plates,
incandescent light bulbs, and steam baths), and this substance should be stored in
tightly sealed metal containers in areas separate from oxidizers.
Purification Methods
Shake it for 3hours with three portions of KMnO4 solution (5g/L), twice for 6hours with mercury (to remove sulfide impurities) until no further darkening of the interface occurs, and finally with a solution of HgSO4 (2.5g/L) or cold, saturated HgCl2. Dry it with CaCl2, MgSO4, or CaH2 (with further drying by refluxing over P2O5), followed by fractional distillation in diffuse light. Alkali metals cannot be used as drying agents. It has also been purified by standing with bromine (0.5mL/L) for 3-4hours, shaking rapidly with KOH solution, then copper turnings (to remove unreacted bromine), and drying with CaCl2. CS2 is highly TOXIC and highly FLAMMABLE. Work in a good fumehood. Small quantities of CS2 have been purified (including removal of hydrocarbons) by mechanical agitation of a 45-50g sample with a solution of 130g of sodium sulfide in 150mL of H2O for 24hours at 35-40o. The aqueous sodium thiocarbonate solution is separated from unreacted CS2, then precipitated with 140g of copper sulfate in 350g of water, with cooling. After filtering off the copper thiocarbonate, it is decomposed by passing steam into it. The distillate is separated from H2O and distilled from P2O5. [Ruff & Golla Z Anorg Chem 138 17 1924, Beilstein 3 IV 395.]
Toxicity evaluation
Carbon disulfide is a clear, colorless or faintly yellow, mobile
liquid at room temperature, and has an ‘ether-like’ odor. It is
highly flammable and volatile. It has a solubility of
2160 mg l-1 in water at 25°C, and is very slightly soluble in
water, as well as in alcohol, benzene, ether, chloroform, carbon
tetrachloride, and oils. If released to air, an estimated vapor pressure of 359 mmHg at 25°C indicates that carbon disulfide
will exist solely as a vapor in the ambient atmosphere and may
potentially volatilize from dry soil surfaces given its vapor
pressure. Based on the estimated Henry’s law constant of
1.44×102 atm-m3 mol1 at 24°C for carbon disulfide,
volatilization is expected to occur from moist soil surfaces and
rapidly from water surfaces. Other physical properties include
an octanol/water partition coefficient as log Pow of 1.84,
a boiling point of 46°C, and a melting point of 111°C.
Toxics Screening Level
The current ITSL for carbon disulfide (700μg/m3) was established on August 2, 1995 (see attached).