Chemical Properties
silvery metal; α: ortho-rhomb, a=0.4721 nm, b=0.4888 nm, c=0.6661nm, stable from room temp to 280°C; β: tetra, a=0.4895 nm, c=0.3386nm, stable from 280–577°C; γ: a=0.3518 nm; bcc, stable from 577–637°C; enthalpy of vaporization 418 kJ/mol; enthalpy of fusion 3.20 kJ/mol; 237Np, t1/2=2.14×10+6 years, t1/2 of 236Np 1.29×10+6 years; discovered in 1940; produced in kg amounts as a by-product of plutonium production [MER06] [KIR78] [CRC10]
Source material for production of 238U (power source).
A radioactive poison.
Physical properties
The chemistry of neptunium (93Np) is somewhat similar to that of uranium (92U) and plutonium(94Pu), which immediately precede and follow it in the actinide series on the periodictable. The discovery of neptunium provided a solution to a puzzle as to the missing decayproducts of the thorium decay series, in which all the elements have mass numbers evenlydivisible by four; the elements in the uranium series have mass numbers divisible by fourwith a remainder of two. The actinium series elements have mass numbers divisible by fourwith a remainder of three. It was not until the neptunium series was discovered that a decayseries with a mass number divisible by four and a remainder of one was found. The neptuniumdecay series proceeds as follows, starting with the isotope plutonium-241: Pu-241→Am-241→Np-237→Pa-233→U-233→Th-229→Ra-225→Ac-225→Fr-221→At-217→Bi-213→Ti-209→Pb-209→Bi-209.
Neptunium is a silvery-white radioactive, heavy metal. Its melting point is 644°C, its boilingpoint is 3,902°C, and its density is 20.25g/cm3.
There are a total of 23 isotopes of neptunium. None are stable. All are radioactivewith half-lives ranging from two microseconds to 2.144×10+6years for the isotopeNp-237, which spontaneously fissions through alpha decay.
Origin of Name
Named for the planet Neptune.
At one time, neptunium’s entire existence was synthesized by man. Sometime later, in themid-twentieth century, it was discovered that a very small amount is naturally produced inuranium ore through the actions of neutrons produced by the decay of uranium in the orepitchblende. Even so, a great deal more neptunium is artificially produced every year than everdid or does exist in nature. Neptunium is recovered as a by-product of the commercial productionof plutonium in nuclear reactors. It can also be synthesized by bombarding uranium-238with neutrons, resulting in the production of neptunium-239, an isotope of neptunium witha half-life of 2.3565 days.
Neptunium is the first of the subseries of the actinide series known as the transuranic elements—those heavy, synthetic (man-made) radioactive elements that have an atomic numbergreater than uranium in the actinide series of the periodic table. An interesting fact is thatneptunium was artificially synthesized before small traces of it were discovered in nature. Moreis produced by scientists every year than exists in nature.
Neptunium has an affinity for combining with nonmetals (as do all transuranic elements)such as oxygen, the halogens, sulfur, and carbon.