This alkaloid occurs in the bulbs of Nerine fiexuosa alba and forms colourless
needles from EtOH or Et2O. It is laevorotatory having [α]25589 - 31.8° (c 0.99,
EtOH) or - 32.3° (c 0.65, EtOH). The perchlorate forms colourless prisms, m.p.
229.5-230.5°C; [α]23589 - 22° (c 1.06, EtOH) and the picrate is obtained as
yellow needles, m.p. 226-7°C (dec.). Reduction with LiAlH4 gives the dihydro
derivative which forms colourless crystals from AcOEt, m.p. 250-251.5°C;
[α]25D - 39° (c 2.13, CHCI3 ).
Wemhoff, Wildman.,!. Amer. Chem. Soc., 82, 1472 (1960)