Chemical Properties
generally sold as a wool-like material
A possible carcinogen.
Potential Exposure
The major uses of fibrous glass are in
thermal, electrical, and acoustical insulation; weatherproof ing, plastic reinforcement; filtration media; and in structural
and textile materials.
First aid
If this chemical gets into the eyes, remove any
contact lenses at once and irrigate immediately for at least
15 minutes, occasionally lifting upper and lower lids. Seek
medical attention immediately. If this chemical contacts the
skin, remove contaminated clothing and wash immediately
with soap and water. If this chemical has been inhaled,
remove from exposure, and move to fresh air.
Fibrous glass is the name for a manufacturedfiber in which the fiber-forming substance is glass. Glassesare a class of materials made from silicon dioxide with oxides of various metals and other elements that solidify fromthe molten state without crystallization. Typically, glassfilaments .3 μm in diameter or glass “wool” with diameters down to 0.05 μm and length>1 μm. A fiber isconsidered to be a particle with a length-to-diameter ratioof 3:1 or greater. The volume of small diameter fiber production has not been determined. Fibers with diameters lessthan 1 μm are estimated to comprise less than 1% of thefibrous glass market. Specific gravity (H2O:1)=2.5.Hazard Identification (based on NFPA-704 M RatingSystem): Health 1, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0. Insolublein water.
Waste Disposal
Fibrous glass waste and scrap
should be collected and disposed of in a manner which will
minimize its dispersal into the atmosphere. Emphasis
should be placed on covering waste containers; proper stor age of materials; and collection of fibrous glass dust.
Clean-up of fibrous glass dust should be performed using vacuum cleaners or wet cleaning methods. Dry sweeping
should not be performed.
General Description
Silica is a naturally occurring material in minerals, flint and in some plants in crystalline phase. Silica used in industries is in synthetic form. Surface area, pore volume, pore size and particle size are independently controllable to some extent. The crystalline silica may be classified based on atmospheric pressure as:
a. Quartz = 1143K
b. Tridymite 1143 - 1743K
c. Cristobalite = 1743, over 1973K it forms amorphous vitreous silica glass.
Health Hazard
Glass fibers cause skin, eye, and
upper respiratory tract irritation; although
earlier classified by IARC to be a Group 2B
carcinogen, possibly carcinogenic to humans,
more recent evaluations indicate the human
risk, if any, to be minimal.
Industrial uses
Fine flexible glass fibers made from glass are used for heat and sound insulation, fireproof textiles,acid-resistant fabrics, retainer mats for storage batteries, panel board, filters, and electrical insulating tape, cloth, and rope. Molten glass strings out easily into threadlike strands, and this spun glass was early used for ornamentalpurposes but the first long fibers of fairly uniformdiameter were made in England by spinningordinary molten glass on revolving drums.
The standard glass fiber used in glass-reinforced plastics is a borosilicate type known asE-glass.Glass cloth of plain weave of either continuous fiber or staple fiber is much used forlaminated plastics.
Industrial uses
Glass, one of the oldest and most extensivelyused materials, is made from the most abundantof Earth’s natural resources — silica sand. Forcenturies considered as a decorative, fragilematerial suitable for only glazing and artobjects, today glass is produced in thousandsof compositions and grades for a wide range ofconsumer and industrial applications.
Industrial uses
The primary engineering benefits of glass fibersare their inorganic nature, which makesthem highly inert; high strength-to-weightratio; nonflammability; and resistance toheat, fungi, and rotting.
Glass fibers are produced in both filamentand staple form. Their major engineering usesare thermal and/or acoustical insulation andas reinforcements, primarily for plastics.
Kaolin and Ground silica are the major batch components in the production of fiberglass
Color Code—Green: General storage may be used.Dust only: Color Code—Red: Flammability Hazard: Storein a flammable materials storage area. Prior to workingwith this chemical you should be trained on its proper handling and storage.