History |
Bohrium is expected to have chemical properties similar to
rhenium. This element was synthesized and unambiguously
identified in 1981 using the Universal Linear Accelerator
(UNILAC) at the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung
(G.S.I.) in Darmstadt, Germany. The discovery team was led
by Armbruster and Münzenberg. The reaction producing the
element was proposed and applied earlier by a Dubna Group
led by Oganessian in 1976. A target of 209Bi was bombarded
by a beam of 54Cr ions. In 1983 experiments at Dubna using
the 157-inch cyclotron, produced 262107 by the reaction 209Bi +
54Cr. The alpha decay of 246Cf, the sixth member in the decay
chain of 262107, served to establish a 1-neutron reaction channel.
The IUPAC adopted the name Bohrium with the symbol
Bh for Element 107 in August 1997. Five isotopes of bohrium
are now recognized. One isotope of bohrium appears to have a
relatively long life of 15 seconds. Work on this relatively longlived
isotope has been performed with the 88-inch cyclotron
at the Lawrence-Berkeley National Laboratory. |