Physical properties
Habit: tabular, massive, prismatic, stalactitic.
Color: azure blue or very dark blue.
Diaphaneity: transparent to translucent.
Luster: vitreous (i.e., glassy).
Streak: light blue.
Cleavage: (011) perfect, (100) good.
Fracture: conchoidal, brittle.
Occurrence: secondary
mineral in the oxidized zone of copper ore deposits in association with malachite.
azurite: A secondary mineral consistingof hydrated basic copper carbonate,Cu3(OH)2(CO3)2, inmonoclinic crystalline form. It isgenerally formed in the upper zoneof copper ore deposits and often occurswith malachite. Its intenseazure-blue colour made it formerlyimportant as a pigment. It is a minorore of copper and is used as a gemstone.