Chemical Properties
Ytterbium (III) oxide is white powder and pieces, has no odour, is insoluble in water, and is incompatible with strong acids, oxidising agents, and carbon dioxide.
Physical properties
Colorless cubic crystals when pure; tinted brown or yellowish white in presence of thulia; density 9.17 g/cm3; insoluble in water; soluble in hot dilute acids.
Ytterbium oxide (Yb2O3) is used to make special alloys, ceramics, and glass. It can be used
for carbon arc-lamp electrodes that produce a very bright light.
Ytterbium(III) oxide (Yb2O3) is a versatile buffer material for applications in perovskite solar cells (PSCs). The application of this ytterbium oxide buffer material to pi-n PSCs with narrow bandgap packet absorbers resulted in certified power conversion efficiencies in excess of 25%. The broad applicability of Yb2O3 in achieving efficient PSCs using various types of phosphor absorber layers was also demonstrated, with efficiencies of 20.1% and 22.1% achieved for wide bandgap phosphor absorber and medium bandgap phosphor absorber layers, respectively. In addition, the stability of ytterbium oxide packaged devices is significantly enhanced after ISOS-L-3 accelerated aging.
Ytterbium oxide is produced as an intermediate in recovering ytterbium from minerals (See Ytterbium). After opening the ore by digestion with concentrated sulfuric acid or caustic soda solution at high temperatures, rare earths are separated by ion exchange, solvent extraction, or fractional precipitation. Ytterbium fraction is treated with oxalic acid or sodium oxalate to precipitate ytterbium oxalate, which is ignited to yield ytterbium oxide.
Flammability and Explosibility
reaction suitability
reagent type: catalyst
core: ytterbium